
The passionate heart of Shincheonji’s youth to save lives through blood donation campaigns

'We Are One', the youth volunteer group from Shincheonji Church of Jesus, is one of the largest youth organisations in the world with 90,000 domestic and foreign youth members (70,000 in South Korea and 20,000 overseas) across 12 branches in South Korea and 75 countries including the US and UK.  Due to receiving the blood of Jesus, “We are One” are passionately participating in regular blood donations in order to save lives too. The regular blood donation drives began to raise awareness of the importance of blood donation in order to overcome the blood shortage caused by COVID-19. According to the Global Status Report on Blood Safety and Availability published by the WHO in June 2022, shortages of blood have impacted all countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, in January 2022, the American Red Cross announced that the US is facing a national blood crisis – its worst blood shortage in over a decade. A total of 73,807 from the “We Are One” youth group donated blood for 85 d

What does it take to know Revelation?

Revelation is a book that many avoid, or, many make up their own thoughts about. There are also many conspiracy theories spoken about too.  Why?  Revelation’s meaning is hidden in parables! It’s meaning is actually literally unknown! In the Bible Jesus explains that there is a time when Revelation will not be understood by anyone in all of heaven and earth – hence why there are so many different thoughts/theories/assumptions/fears (Rev 5:3). At the appointed time when Revelation fulfills, Jesus said there will be a way that one can know the meaning of the parables plainly – that there will be one true testimony of Revelation available that will help believers know the truth! (Rev 1:1-3). At the time of Revelation, Jesus returns, fulfills what is prophesied and creates the Kingdom of Heaven on the earth. But those who do not believe in the reality of what he prophesied will not be able to enter this Kingdom (Rev 22:18-19). Therefore it is important to know and understand the prophecies

4-Part Revelation Series Testified to the World

I would like to share with you about the recent Revelation series held by Chairman Man-hee Lee of Shincheonji. Although Revelation is a mysterious book to many, and there are many different thoughts about Revelation that can be found, Shincheonji have the key to understanding Revelation according to the scriptures and their fulfilment in our time today. Please have a read about this series that I have compiled for your information, and I hope you will understand the value of understanding Revelation for yourself too! __________________________________________________ The 'Shincheonji Bible Seminar: Testimony on the Fulfillment of Revelation', which began on the 22nd of April 2023 and was live streamed from Seoul, Busan, Daejeon and concluded in Incheon, South Korea.  Chairman Man-hee Lee, who is over 90 years of age, spoke very logically and with conviction in every lecture as he testified the fulfilment of Revelation he saw and heard firsthand. The fact that hundreds of pastor

Churches across the world are changing their signboards to “Shincheonji”

784 churches from 15 countries learned the word from Shincheonji Temple of Tabernacle of Testimony (Chairman Lee Man Hee, Shincheonji Church of Jesus for short) and changed their signboards to “Shincheonji Church of Jesus.” Recently, requests to add “Shincheonji Church of Jesus”, as their denomination, to their signboards and to be educated (with the word of Shincheonji) are swarming from the Philippines, India, Madagascar, the Republic of South Africa, Guatemala, Mexico, Argentina, etc. 427 pastors belong to these churches and their members are about 24,000. Shincheonji Church of Jesus achieved exponential growth last year, producing a total of 106,186 graduates from the Zion Christian Mission Center. This is in stark contrast to major denominations that have suffered from a drop in membership since the pandemic. After the pandemic, various seminars were held ‘online’ and the operation of mission centers have increased its accessibility to the Word, which an analysis say have increase

Jesus’ Return, Our Hope!

I remember I used to avoid the book of Revelation. The end times seemed so scary, I definitely didn’t want to be a part of it! It was the topic that was hardly ever talked about at church too (I do remember a couple of sermons over the years about it, but they didn’t make sense, and the two different speakers also had contrasting ideas too which didn’t help!). However, since learning the Bible and studying Revelation with the proper material and support, I have come to perceive Revelation in a whole new light! It really is not as scary as it seems, but rather, has highlighted to me the very important things about what we need to know and where we need to go!   I would like to share with you today a little bit of the basics of Revelation so you can have Jesus’ return as your hope too!   What is Revelation about? It is about Jesus’ return (Rev 22:12) and the establishment of the kingdom of Heaven on earth where the Holy City (in the spiritual realm) can come down to (Rev 21:1-5)   Rev 21

The Truth will set us Free!

Many people like to talk about God, but most people do not only not like to talk about Satan! However the reason that God gave us the Bible is so that we could know God who is life, and the devil who is death.  Why do we need to know about both God and Satan? 1 John 4:1 says we must not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see weather they are from God, because there are many false prophets in the world. Yes, how can we make sure we are not influenced by Satan if we do not know about him, how he works, who he works through?  We know that Satan deceives, and the reason he can is because without the truth from the God in His Word to expose Satan, he hides and operates around us in more ways than we realise.  I hope you will find this post helpful to understand more about God and Satan today! 🔸About God and Satan In the beginning, God created all things. He also created Adam and Eve in His image and likeness and entrusted all things to him to rule over. Shortly after this, one o