4-Part Revelation Series Testified to the World

I would like to share with you about the recent Revelation series held by Chairman Man-hee Lee of Shincheonji. Although Revelation is a mysterious book to many, and there are many different thoughts about Revelation that can be found, Shincheonji have the key to understanding Revelation according to the scriptures and their fulfilment in our time today. Please have a read about this series that I have compiled for your information, and I hope you will understand the value of understanding Revelation for yourself too!


The 'Shincheonji Bible Seminar: Testimony on the Fulfillment of Revelation', which began on the 22nd of April 2023 and was live streamed from Seoul, Busan, Daejeon and concluded in Incheon, South Korea. 

Chairman Man-hee Lee, who is over 90 years of age, spoke very logically and with conviction in every lecture as he testified the fulfilment of Revelation he saw and heard firsthand. The fact that hundreds of pastors attended the Shincheonji Bible Seminar each time is an opportunity to gauge the pastors' interest in Shincheonji. Thousands of people also watched each lecture online, simultaneously broadcast live in nine languages including English, Chinese, Japanese, French, Mongolian, Spanish, and Russian, via the official YouTube channel of Shincheonji Church of Jesus.

Pastor "A", a former member of the Full Gospel Church, heard the sermon at the seminar and expressed admiration for Chairman Lee's passion.
“The first thing I noticed about the chairman is his passion,” and said, “He is 93 years old. At that age, most people are resting in a nursing home. It was so inspiring to see him preaching the gospel with conviction and passion at his age.” He also emphasised, “He wasn't standing there to make money or for fame, but he was there to preach the words of the Bible. It was beautiful.”

Even in the face of rejection and persecution by the established denominations, believers are advancing towards Shincheonji in search of the revealed word. Many pastors who did not know the Book of Revelation even after serving for decades and regarded Shincheonji as a heresy, responded with shock at the testimony of Revelation given at the Shincheonji Bible Seminar, repenting of their thoughts and expressing their desire to quench their thirst for the Word.

🔸The purpose of this Revelation series: 
The Book of Revelation presents a 'challenge' in the religious world, as most of Revelation is recorded in figurative language (metaphors) that are difficult to understand and cannot be easily interpreted. Even the interpretations among well-known pastors are very different, adding to the confusion among believers. This Bible Seminar has served as an opportunity to confirm the importance of the Book of Revelation and to break existing prejudices against Shincheonji. 
Chairman Lee explained the purpose of the meeting, saying that his duty is to testify what he has seen and heard to the churches according to Revelation 22:16.

🔸Key quotes from the chairman from throughout all 4 lectures:
“The outcome is either heaven or hell. The judgment in the Book of Revelation will bring one era to a complete end in order to usher in the creation of a new era. This cannot be done by human power or strength. We are standing at the crossroads of this one era passing away and a new era being created. Are there 12 tribes in your church? Are you those who have moved church as a result of being harvested? Pastors need to come to a swift understanding of the everything right away and testify accordingly to their congregations. You need to know not only the words of the entire Book of Revelation from chapters 1 to 22, but also the fulfilled realities of all these words.”

“It is written that if you do not understand this word or add to or subtract from it, you will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven. When the words of this prophecy come true, you must see and believe them. It is written in Revelation 22:18-19 that if you add or subtract, you will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven and will be cursed. If you truly believe in God and in God's word, you shouldn’t add to or take away from these words.”

“How many people have seen it (fulfilment)? One person saw it, and it was shown to one person. Jesus told that person to go to the churches and testify what he has seen and heard. There's only one person. Those who say this or that, or that such people are a heresy or insignificant should really repent. Anyone who has added to or subtracted from the entire Book of Revelation has no right to accuse anyone of being a heresy.”

“In Chapter 6 of the Book of Revelation, one era comes to an end. In Chapter 7, the history of God advances with the sealed 12,000 in each of the 12 tribes. Which tribe do you belong to? Please tell me. If you don't belong to a tribe, you've nothing to do with God. Starting from chapter 1, should we believe or not believe in what has been fulfilled according to what is written? Even if the fulfilled realities of what is promised in the Bible appear, if you don't believe in them, that person is a non-believer. Life or death depends on this, as does the judgment for heaven or hell...I, myself, have to check ten or even a thousand times.”

“Who should the churches wait for? If we are to do as Jesus said, we must accept those whom Jesus sends. I, John, am the one who witnessed the entirety of the book of Revelation in Revelation 22:8, and I am testifying accordingly. This person (I), who has seen and heard everything, has been sent to the churches to testify to what he has seen and heard. Isn't that what it says in verse 16? We must follow these words. Shouldn't we obey the words of Jesus? I hope we all understand God's book, the word of eternal life, go to the kingdom of God together, become God's people, and give thanks and glory to God.”

🔸Responses from Pastor’s in the audience:
A total of 1500 pastors participated in these four lectures, and it is no exaggeration to say that the pastors were greatly moved by the testimony on the fulfilment of Revelation from Revelation chapters 1 to 22 given by Chairman Lee. The pastors who heard Chairman Lee's detailed testimony on the fulfilled realities of the war recorded in the Book of Revelation all agreed that they should now step forward and listen to the words of Shincheonji and confirm them. Here are some of their testimonies:

“If we, pastors in the Christian world, were honest, we would admit that we intentionally avoid giving sermons on the Book of Revelation. As pastors, we usually shun the Book of Revelation in case others call us a heresy. Yet in Shincheonji, the Chairman speaks with pride to our Protestant pastors. I was again moved by his words. As we are living in the end times, we have to perceive what we have to perceive, know what we have to know, and admit what we need to admit. I think that now is the time.”

“I signed an MOU with Shincheonji Church and our church in January. So I came to today's seminar. Instead of blindly distrusting Shincheonji, we have to come before the word again and again and see if that place speaks according to the Bible. You can't unconditionally slander others and  label something a cult without having proper knowledge yourself. In Shincheonji, there is no worldly teaching at all because it is systematic and every word is taught according to the Bible and effortlessly explained. To be honest, in the Christian community, our pastors avoid sermons on the Book of Revelation. We, pastors, usually shun Revelation because others may call us a heresy. The Chairman said, 'Please listen to what I'm saying to you. Why don't you listen?' So, aren't our established church pastors also living in the end time? These are the end times. As we're living in this final era, we have to perceive what we have to perceive, know what we have to know, and admit what we need to admit. Now is the time.”

“I encountered a lot of difficulty while studying and teaching the Bible because I had so many questions. There were questions about what this word meant and how to interpret it, but as I came here and studied, those questions changed to exclamations. I realised, 'Ah, this is what it means.' While studying the (Shincheonji) elementary, intermediate, and advanced theology, I really enjoyed it. There's no need to worry. I felt that if I study hard and deeply and can share these things with the believers, then everything will go well. This is the greatest thing.”

“Listening to the Chairman's words today brought tears to my eyes. I wonder if I could ever teach like this at the pulpit. Jesus said that the blind lead the blind. I wonder if I was blind. I now plan to properly learn the word of truth, the word of revelation that has appeared in reality, proclaim the true word of God, and teach it from the pulpit. My heart is beating again and I feel the love I had at first for Jesus. Through me, there are juniors who have studied theology and are pastoring in ministry. I plan to testify these practical words of truth to my associates, junior pastors, and senior pastors once I've first learn properly and admit what I need to know.”

“This study of Shincheonji is so accurate, detailed, and clear that I am working hard to meet more pastors so that more MOUs can be signed. I started with a small church, but since signing an MOU, many believers have come to listen to the Word at our church even as passers-by. So even though our church was small, the number of church members has since grown a lot, and the church is now nearing a membership of 100. We decided to study (the word from Shincheonji) because the word of truth is so good, and because it is the word of the new covenant. I decided that I had to learn it.”

“These words are not those of an ordinary pastor. It's quite amazing because he is a man of God sent by God at the end times, he is different from ordinary pastors. From now on, we must quickly accept this word and fulfil God's will at the right time.”

“It's not good to blindly condemn Shincheonji as a heresy without first knowing them.”


After this series sounded out into the world throughout April and May this year, the interest in the teachings of Revelations fulfilment from Shincheonji is surely to have a ripple effect throughout the believers. I know for myself that after hearing the testimony of Revelation’s fulfilment that I found newfound hope and strength in my faith! I knew all about the good plans of the future that God had promised me and it was life and joy to my spirit!

If you would like to watch the series yourself, please see the below link where you can view all 4 sermons from:

Shincheonji's Bible Seminar
Testimony on the Fulfillment of Revelation
Chairman Lee Man-hee
Shincheonji’s Official Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ShincheonjiChurch_en  

- Christine xx


Source of contents/quotes:

Homepage of Shincheonji Church of Jesus

Through the Shincheonji online seminar, the revealed word of Revelation has been spread around the world, and many people are flocking to unite with Shincheonji.
2019 Graduation: 103,764 students
2020-2021 (Covid period): 37,220 online students
2021 Graduation: 106,186 students

As of April 2023:
6,754 churches signed an MOU with Shincheonji (230 in Korea, 6,524 in 78 overseas countries)
598 churches in 28 countries replaced sign with Shincheonji Church of Jesus

#ShincheonjiChurch #ShincheonjiBibleSeminar #Testimony_Fulfillment_of_Revelation #ShincheonjiOnlineSeminar #Youtube_40million_views #Exposure_408million_views #Belief #God #Jesus #Pray #QT #Bible #Christian #Church #Truth #Promise
#ShincheonjiChurch #OnlineSeminar #Bible


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