Jesus’ Return, Our Hope!

I remember I used to avoid the book of Revelation. The end times seemed so scary, I definitely didn’t want to be a part of it! It was the topic that was hardly ever talked about at church too (I do remember a couple of sermons over the years about it, but they didn’t make sense, and the two different speakers also had contrasting ideas too which didn’t help!). However, since learning the Bible and studying Revelation with the proper material and support, I have come to perceive Revelation in a whole new light! It really is not as scary as it seems, but rather, has highlighted to me the very important things about what we need to know and where we need to go!
I would like to share with you today a little bit of the basics of Revelation so you can have Jesus’ return as your hope too!
What is Revelation about?
It is about Jesus’ return (Rev 22:12) and the establishment of the kingdom of Heaven on earth where the Holy City (in the spiritual realm) can come down to (Rev 21:1-5)
Rev 21:1-4
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."

That is such a hopeful thing to look towards!

Why then does many of the chapters in Revelation seem like a huge world war?
Revelation is a big and final war battle…. but not a physical one! It’s the big and final war battle between God and Satan for the rule of the world.
*Revelation is written in figurative language (parable). God uses people, locations, events from the Bible as prophecy in parable for what will appear when Revelation fulfils (Rom 1:20). When Revelation fulfils, it fulfils as described, but spiritually (not physically).

Who are the two sides in the spiritual war?
God and his people: 
Those who fight with the weapon of the truth (Eph 6:17, John 17:17)
- VS -
Satan and his people: 
Those who fight with lies/man’s thoughts (John 8:44)


How can we distinguish between God’s people and Satan’s people who appear in this spiritual war at the time of Revelation?
🔹The realities of God’s people:
- Born of God's seed (John 3:5)
- Harvested (Matt 13:24-30,36-43, Rev 14:14-16)
- Sealed (have God's law in their hearts, Heb 8:10, Rev 7)
- Registered to the 12 tribes (Rev 7)
- Name in the book of life (Rev 20:12)
- Those who do not add or take away from Revelation (Rev 22:18-19)
- Set free from sin by Jesus’ blood (Rev 5:9-10, Rev 7:14)
- A part of the New Heaven and New Earth that God comes down to (Rev 21:1-5)
🔹The realities of Satan’s people:
-Say what their itching ears want to hear about the Bible/Revelation (2 Tim 4:3)
-Follow scoffers who follow their own evil desires, but in the end receive judgment (2 Peter 3:3-7)
-Those outside the city (New Heaven New Earth 12 Tribes. Rev 21:27, Rev 22:14-15)

What else can we expect at Revelation?
At Jesus 2nd coming he says that he makes all things new.
Rev 21:4-5
He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."
He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."
At the first coming, Jesus said the same (John 14:27 he gave new Word than what the religious world taught).
That means we should expect a new (different, unfamiliar) way of faith than what we are used to (Word and practice). 
The old way that we are used to (doctrine, denomination, traditions) must pass away!

How will Jesus reveal himself to us so we can know him and go to him?
At the first coming, the way God revealed himself was through Jesus.
How? God is spirit, and even though he came and dwelled with Jesus, no one could tell by just looking at Jesus’ physical appearance (not by the miracles either because there were many sorcerer’s, magicians and fortune tellers doing similar to what Jesus did.)
The way one could recognize God and go to him was by hearing his words and seeing his work through Jesus (John 12:49, John 10:38).
John 12:49
For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken.
The same goes at the 2nd coming, except this time, Jesus is also in spirit (Rev 1:10-18), and the way to recognise Jesus is through hearing and seeing the work of the chosen pastor he appoints to do so on his behalf (Rev 1:1-2, Rev 22:8,16)
Rev 1:1-2
The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw--that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.
*Apostle John has already died, therefore he cannot be present to fulfil the parts of Revelation where his character appears. What we need to understand is that just like how the Old Testament prophets were used as examples to prophesy about what Jesus would fulfil when he appeared, that Apostle John who recorded Revelation was used as an example to prophesy about a "new" John that would appear and fulfil the works of the character John at the time of Revelations fulfilment.
At the first coming, Jesus was God’s promised pastor too who he sent to the churches (Matt 15:24).
At the 2nd coming, Jesus shows us that he gives his word to the churches through his promised pastor.
Rev 22:8,16
8 I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me.
… 16 "I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."


How can you learn the bible plainly for yourself to know and verify these things and more?
Shincheonji’s online Bible course that has intakes every month! Shincheonji takes pride in knowing and keeping God’s Covenant Word without adding or taking away from what is prophesied – this means we interpret the Bible by cross referencing the verses in order to understand it according to God’s interpretation, not mans. Because the Bible is explained according to God’s own interpretation (the spirit taught Words), then it is the true interpretation we can have faith and believe in!

*Please see below for details on how to register for FREE!

What about if you have heard others say bad things about Shincheonji?
Shincheonji is not unfamiliar with opposition. Not because we have done anything wrong, but because it is prophesied that those who speak the truth will indeed face this (Matt 5:10-12).
2 Tim 3:12 
In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.
Like what it says in John 1:5, when the light of the Word is shone, there are many who do not understand it. It is these people – those who do not interpret the scriptures truthfully – that may oppose Shincheonji' and spread lies based off unfortunate misunderstandings. However, Shincheonji will fulfil God and Jesus’ mission to spread the truth throughout the World so the light, life and hope of Jesus return can be made known to those who are ready and seeking for it!
No matter what others may say about the Bible, we must listen to and discern God’s Word and will according to God’s Word (the truth, John17:17). We need to follow the Word, not the world to learn what is good.
Job 4:2-4
“Hear my words, you wise men;
    listen to me, you men of learning.
For the ear tests words
    as the tongue tastes food.
Let us discern for ourselves what is right;
    let us learn together what is good.
Shincheonji is confident to testify the true understanding of the Word (including Revelation), and are freely making known this understanding to the world too! Please come and listen to discern and verify for yourself this fact! There is nothing to loose, but so much to gain!

As I conclude today, I hope you can gain a little insight into the hope of Jesus' return in Revelation! We should ground ourselves with the true meaning of the scriptures and follow them, being open to where it leads, and being willing to change into the new people of the new era too!
Let’s celebrate the hope of Jesus’ return by rejoicing in the understanding of Revelation without adding or taking away so that we can all know the true way to find Jesus and the kingdom of heaven!
- Christine xx


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