The Truth will set us Free!

Many people like to talk about God, but most people do not only not like to talk about Satan! However the reason that God gave us the Bible is so that we could know God who is life, and the devil who is death. 

Why do we need to know about both God and Satan? 1 John 4:1 says we must not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see weather they are from God, because there are many false prophets in the world.

Yes, how can we make sure we are not influenced by Satan if we do not know about him, how he works, who he works through? 

We know that Satan deceives, and the reason he can is because without the truth from the God in His Word to expose Satan, he hides and operates around us in more ways than we realise. 

I hope you will find this post helpful to understand more about God and Satan today!

🔸About God and Satan

In the beginning, God created all things. He also created Adam and Eve in His image and likeness and entrusted all things to him to rule over.

Shortly after this, one of the four archangels, a created being who received full of wisdom and abilities from God, betrayed God. Due to his arrogance and greed, he wanted to be like God and formed a sect (his own religious group) to oppose and interfere with God (Eze 28, Isa 14:12-15). This archangel and the angels that gathered with him became angels that sinned, and they did not keep their positions of authority and abandoned their proper dwellings (Jude 1:6). Therefore, God called that created archangel the devil or Satan. The spiritual world was then divided into two, the world of God, the Holy Spirit, and the world of Satan, the evil spirit.

🔸The Work of God and Satan

The work in the spiritual world has also been conducted in the physical world. God works on the earth through his people, and the devil does so. Two kinds of organizations belonging to God and Satan have existed in the world since then.

God then made a covenant with Adam commanding him not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. However, Adam believed more in the serpent's (Satan, dragon, the devil) words than God's words. He ate that forbidden fruit and became the belongings of Satan (Gn 3:1-6). God then left the world, and Satan came to reign the earth (Gn 6:1-3, 1 John 5:19). Satan brought afflictions, pains, disasters, and death to humans, made them complain to God, and separated them from God.

God has been working for 6000 years to restore this world and repair the broken relationship with humans. He chose people and made a covenant with them in each era (Ps 89:3). God promised what will be fulfilled in the covenant so that people can believe when it does happen (Jn 14:29). He fulfilled every covenant, hoping people to acknowledge Him and have perfect faith in Him through His work of fulfilling all promises. However, the devil does not stand still, and he opposes and interferes with God's work so that God’s people did not keep God’s covenant. Each generation was deceived by the devil and became his belongings. This restoration has continued until the fulfilment of Revelation when the devil is seized and thrown into the abyss.

🔸How did the devil deceive God's people so they don’t know or keep God’s covenant?

By his lies. God has been telling the truth about what happened (Jn 17:17), and the devil has been telling lies from his own sources (Jn 8:44). To prevent God's people from knowing the truth, he persecuted all the people sent by God through his organizations, calling them cults (Mat 23:34-39).

🔸How can people tell the truth from lies in this era?

God has hidden the secrets of His Kingdom of Heaven and the identity of Satan in His prophecies (Mat 13:10-11, Luke 8:9). When He fulfils all the prophecies, the realities will appear. He will show His pastor, the witness, and send him to testify the true meaning of the prophecies and the realities (Jn 5:19, Mt 15:24, Lk 24:27, 32,44, Rev 1:1-2, 22:8, 16). Therefore, all believers should seek this testimony to know the will and heart of God. It is God's will (John 16:25).


Please check the verses for yourself to verify what is written. Although Satan uses many to speak lies, (which is the twisting of God’s word like what we saw the serpent do in the garden of Eden), Shincheonji Church of Jesus are equipped with the word of truth and can explain the true meanings of the prophecies and their realities – not from man’s thoughts, but from the scriptures themselves. Many people may be quick to dismiss what Shincheonji has to share due to following man’s thoughts and opinions instead. However if one is truly serious about knowing God’s Word and being set free from Satan, then they would at least come and listen to check for themselves the teachings from Shincheonji. 

Job 34:2-4
“Hear my words, you wise men;
    listen to me, you men of learning.
For the ear tests words
    as the tongue tastes food.
Let us discern for ourselves what is right;
    let us learn together what is good.

Knowing this truth will expose Satan and allow one to be set one free of Satan! (John 8:32).

I hope you will come and hear what Shincheonji so confidently testifies in order to glorify God and keep his covenant!

- Christine xx


If you would like to learn the proper understanding of the Word of the Holy Spirit to cleanse you from evil and connect you with good, please leave your email address in the comments, or enquire on the below website about the nearest region to you that hosts the Free Bible Course from Shincheonji! 

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#hope #love #faith #believe #life #peace #pray #blessed #happiness #grace #church  #truth #christianity #wisdom #jesuschrist #Amen #manheelee #endtimes  #HolySpirit #leemanhee #holybible #righteousness #testimony #promise


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