
Showing posts from August, 2022

Who is ‘Man-Hee Lee’?

Man-Hee Lee is the Chairman of Shincheonji Church of Jesus which he established on 14 th March 1984. Although he carries out the duty of the church Pastor, he will openly share that he has not received any pastoral qualification from the seminaries of the world (theology schools). The story of how he came to be the Pastor of Shincheonji is a very unique and very special one.   The name Man-Hee means “light” in Korean. He was given this name after his grandfather received a vision of a ray of light from the sky that descend upon his daughter who was pregnant at the time. Man-Hee Lee didn’t know the Bible growing up, nor did he go to church or was evangelised by anyone. He learnt to pray from his grandfather however, and did so twice a day – morning and night - growing up. He was a farmer in Cheong-do, a poor countryside region of South Korea, and one time he experienced a big, bright and amazing star appear very close to him for 3 days. When he called his father to come see the sta

For the love of Coffee!

  What is a blogger without a cup of coffee next to them, right! Well, that’s how it goes for me anyway!   For me, a coffee isn’t just a pick me up – it’s a warm, aromatic experience that brings a sense of comfort when I sip. Yes, the first effect of coffee for me is warm comfort, like relaxing after a big breath out. The secondary effect of coffee is the subtle energy vibe, like a new breath as I gear up for more in my day!   My first memories of the smell of coffee were from my high school teacher who tried to mask her smoker’s aroma with coffee instead – that wasn’t a nice experience! But in contrast to that around the same time, was when my ‘Aunty’ started taking me out for coffee’s. I couldn’t stand the taste of coffee, but I loved the smell! I also loved that even though she had 3 other kids of her own, she set aside that time just for me. I didn’t open up to her much - I didn’t really know how, nor want to, at that stage - but this time with her meant a lot to me. I gues

What is ‘Shincheonji’ according to the Bible?

I wanted to write this post today because I am aware that there are some who do not yet understand about New Heaven and New Earth (Shincheonji). What I have heard and read online by those who misunderstand is really saddening, because for me Shincheonji is my family, my church – it’s where my heart finds hope, joy and true connection with God!   (Please read my second post called ‘my story’ if you haven’t already!)   To best explain why there are some who understand and welcome Shincheonji, and why there are also those who don’t’, I would like to share something that Jesus said:   Matt 13:10-15 The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?” He replied, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. This is why I speak to them in parables: “Though seeing, they do no

Soaking Up The Glorious Sun!

  I’m at home today, feeling a bit under the weather. I think our bodies know when we need to rest, when we need to readjust, and regather ourselves! I tend to feel guilty though to take a sick day, it’s always quite inconvenient for my colleagues… But something I have learnt from being in Shincheonji is the importance of looking after our health; physically, mentally and spiritually too. I believe this is God’s will because He loves us and wants to take care of us! So here I am today at home, putting myself first and resting up! ….I’m sure you other Mothers know that it’s hard to fully rest though, right! So while I have taken my favourite spot on the couch and have pulled up the coffee table to make a foot stool, I have made the shopping list for the week, fixed up the hole in my daughters dress, filled out my brothers birthday card, completed my daily devotions and now, writing another blog!   Let me tell you why I felt compelled to write this blog post on my rest day! All the w

The House Plant Trend

  There is something about being around nature that has a calming effect don’t you think? Green hues, unique natural shapes, sizes and forms! Watching a sprout come up, a flower blooming or a leaf unravelling is like watching a 3D work of art take form! The things that are man-made are often causes of stressers in our lives, but the things that are God-made are the opposite. Makes sense doesn’t it! Ps 146:6 says:  He is the maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them - he remains faithful forever. The Bible says that God is the creator of everything on earth, and even in another verse it says his divine nature can be seen through His creation! Maybe we can go into the depth of that verse another time... This blog is for me to share about myself, my faith and my gratitude for what God has given me! So on this sunny but crisp winter morning I would like to share my gratitude for nature with you! More specifically about the pots of nature scattered throughout most of the ro