Who is ‘Man-Hee Lee’?

Man-Hee Lee is the Chairman of Shincheonji Church of Jesus which he established on 14th March 1984. Although he carries out the duty of the church Pastor, he will openly share that he has not received any pastoral qualification from the seminaries of the world (theology schools). The story of how he came to be the Pastor of Shincheonji is a very unique and very special one.


The name Man-Hee means “light” in Korean. He was given this name after his grandfather received a vision of a ray of light from the sky that descend upon his daughter who was pregnant at the time. Man-Hee Lee didn’t know the Bible growing up, nor did he go to church or was evangelised by anyone. He learnt to pray from his grandfather however, and did so twice a day – morning and night - growing up. He was a farmer in Cheong-do, a poor countryside region of South Korea, and one time he experienced a big, bright and amazing star appear very close to him for 3 days. When he called his father to come see the star his father told him “Long ago, when a man of ability appeared, a star appeared. This means a man of ability has appeared in our country.”


He followed the star one day up a nearby mountain and it was there that he made a promised to God in his blood to carry out a life of faith. After that, the place where he went and carried out his life of faith was at the Tabernacle Temple in Gwacheon. Little did he know that this was the church that Jesus had begun the work of Revelation through (Rev 1:12-20), and that which was on the path of betraying Jesus as prophesied too (Rev 2-3).


Lee worked as a construction worker behind the scenes in the Tabernacle Temple, however one day the head leader of the church tried to kill him for a secret Lee had come to know about his family. He went back to Cheong-do for 7 years until Jesus next appeared to him again. This is when Lee was appointed by Jesus as his chosen messenger and when he began the duty of the pastor Promised in Revelation (Rev 1:17).


The book of Revelation was a prophecy that Jesus gave to Apostle John in vision ~2,000 years ago. Apostle John and the characters, location and events of the book of Revelation are all parable for what appears in reality at the time of Revelations fulfilment. The parables are prophecies and what Jesus used to prepare the believers to understand when their fulfilment takes place.

John 14:29
I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe.


Man-Hee Lee appears at the time of Revelations fulfilment in the position of ‘John’ in the book of Revelation. How can one believe this is so?
Because the testimony of his experiences, and also what he saw and heard in heaven (spiritual realm) and on earth (physical realm) with his own eyes and ears. This can all be verified by first hearing his testimony and then checking for yourself from what is recorded in prophecy in the book of Revelation.


In Rev 1:1-2 and Rev 10:8-11 it shows that the understanding of Jesus’ revelation is given to Jesus’ servant John. This person ‘John’ (aka New John in fulfilment, Man-Hee Lee in reality) is the only one prophesied to testify to what he saw – the Word of God (prophecy) and the testimony of Jesus Christ (fulfilment of how Jesus, who is in spirit, fulfils the prophecy).


Rev 1:1-2
The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, who testifies to everything he saw – that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.


Rev 10:8-11
Then the voice that I had heard from heaven spoke to me once more: “Go, take the scroll that lies open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land.”
So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, “Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.” I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour. Then I was told, “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nation, languages and kings.”


What must New John fulfil if he is the one who is claiming to be the chosen messenger and promised pastor of Jesus?
He must then be able to explain the characters, location and events in Revelation that Jesus promised he would keep a secret until his return.


John 16:25
Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father.


This is what Man-Hee Lee is trying to explain to the world in order to fulfil the command from Jesus. He says, “I, from a religious point of view, am nothing, but in order to fulfil my duty I would like to testify to the word of what I have seen and heard. I do not make up anything that I speak of, regarding what I have seen and heard, I speak of what took place. I don’t make up anything that I speak of.” And,I must testify and do what I need to. That is why I wanted to speak to you about this fact. Please point out if I have testified anything wrong from the bible.”


What else is the evidence that Man-Hee Lee is the one who Jesus is fulfilling the work of the promised pastor in Revelation through?
Well, in Rev 7 it speaks of the 12 tribes of 12,000 each – of which Shincheonji has fulfilled. It also says the great multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language will come to this place where the Lamb is – of which the tens and thousands and even hundreds of thousands from around the world are who graduate from Shincheonji’s Zion Mission Centre each year since the Covid-19 period. In Rev 15 it says that the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony was opened – this is also part of the official name of Shincheonji, and it speaks about the Tabernacle (dwelling place of God) that the testimony of Revelation comes from – of which Man-Hee Lee has received from Jesus and testifies. Also in Rev 21:1-2 it speaks of a ‘new heaven and a new earth’, which I explained in a previous post means a new Tabernacle and new people – that is, the Tabernacle and people who are those who believe in the fulfilment of Revelation and have joined the church of the promised pastor who teaches it.


When we think about who Man-Hee Lee is, if he is one claiming to be the promised pastor of Jesus then who he is, what he experiences, how he overcomes, the work he does, and what he teaches must all be according to the scriptures. Today the scriptures have fulfilled through the appearance of Man-Hee Lee who is the chosen messenger and pastor promised by Jesus in the scriptures! I hope you will hear from him and verify by checking the word for yourself.


Man-Hee Lee said in his most recent YouTube seminar that was broadcast throughout the word in 24 different languages, “I have been continually shown what Jesus is fulfilling in Revelation. If I have never seen these things then it would make me a liar, but I am not lying. I have seen everything one by one in Revelation. Jesus sent me to the churches (to testify to) what I has seen and heard – that is why I testify. I just want to speak of what I have seen and heard. Please listen and confirm through the Bible – please, see for yourself!”


Because Man-Hee Lee is proclaiming to be the promised pastor of Revelation, it must be prophesied about in order for one to believe that this is true. So, to finish today, I will share 2 more prophecies about how Jesus chooses a messenger and sends him to the churches to testify to them Jesus’ words of revelation:


Rev 22:8
I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing them to me.


Rev 22:16
“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.”


I hope indeed that you will see for yourself that there is prophesied to be one Pastor who comes in the place of ‘John’ at the time when Revelation fulfils. This pastor is NOT Jesus, but is the one who has the testimony of Jesus, meaning he can explain the fulfilment of Revelation that Jesus once hid in parables. And this pastor is the one who also must be sharing Jesus’ testimony of Revelation to the churches in order to show believers the way to where God and Jesus have established their promised Tabernacle on the earth.


One who truly seeks after God and Jesus’s will will be one who bases their faith on the word of God (the Bible, the truth) that has been given to us. And everything about Man-Hee Lee and Shincheonji can be explained from there. Those who understand God’s work of prophecy and fulfilment taught from Man-Hee Lee will be able to see and believe.


- Christine xx

#Shincheonji #SCJ #God #Jesus #Bible #Church #Pastor #Faith #Truth #Revelation 


  1. This is a brilliant read - thank you, Christine. The most recent 20th August seminar was evidence of how Chairman Lee's testimony matches up to the Book of Revelation. He is truly the promised pastor and messenger whom Jesus sent for the churches (Rev 22:8, 16). I can see why many pastors, believers and those with a curiosity in the Christian faith are listening to the word of Shincheonji!


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