Soaking Up The Glorious Sun!


I’m at home today, feeling a bit under the weather. I think our bodies know when we need to rest, when we need to readjust, and regather ourselves! I tend to feel guilty though to take a sick day, it’s always quite inconvenient for my colleagues… But something I have learnt from being in Shincheonji is the importance of looking after our health; physically, mentally and spiritually too. I believe this is God’s will because He loves us and wants to take care of us! So here I am today at home, putting myself first and resting up!

….I’m sure you other Mothers know that it’s hard to fully rest though, right! So while I have taken my favourite spot on the couch and have pulled up the coffee table to make a foot stool, I have made the shopping list for the week, fixed up the hole in my daughters dress, filled out my brothers birthday card, completed my daily devotions and now, writing another blog!


Let me tell you why I felt compelled to write this blog post on my rest day! All the while I have cozied up on the couch today, the sun has been warming my shoulders, it has been making the grass glitter outside, it has outlined the cobwebs delicately swaying in the breeze, it has been drying the washing (yay!!) and encouraging the birds sing their joyful songs!

This is what I love – moments when I stop and see the goodness of life and the blessings of God around me! It was like all through my ‘rest’ today, God was reminding me of His love for me, His presence around me, and how He is providing for me. 

And do you know what? When I realised that, that was when I truly felt at rest today!


Ps 74:16-17
The day is yours, and yours also the night; 
you established the sun and moon.
It was you who set all the boundaries of the earth; 
you made both summer and winter.

How often do we take the sun for granted, right! 
Not only is the sun essential for life on earth, there are personal health benefits in the sunlight that shines on us from the heavens too. Obviously, I’m not suggesting we all go and get sun burnt (please be sun smart!), but I would like to share and remind us all of some of the benefits of sunlight for our health in order to stop and remember this gift to us from God above!


1. Sunlight increases the release of the hormone serotonin in your brain – this is a chemical that is produced that can make you feel happier, calmer and more focused!


2. A small but healthy amount of Sunlight exposure (5-15 mins a few times a week) allows your body to produce Vitamin D which can help with:
-mental health
-bone health
-can help treat certain skin conditions


3. The sunlight makes the world look more happy, beautiful and picturesque! (perfect for photos!)

So as the sun has now moved from the couch to the floor and is saying goodbye for the day I am glad to have remembered it’s beauty and gift today! 
Oh indeed, how our God loves and looks after us, and gives us the sun to remember that! 
I would like to share this one quote to further meditate on in finishing up today:


“In the heavens exist the sun, the moon and the stars, together with the clouds and the winds, as well as the air. Here on earth exist all of creation. All of creation here on earth live from the light, the rain and the air from the heavens. The heavens have been giving us life constantly without change. They have been giving us the best training on what it means to serve. Let us, just like the heavens, love one another unceasingly without change”

-Man Hee Lee


- Christine xx





#healthline #positive #goodvibes #happiness #sunshine #health #God #faith #gratitude #mindfulness #holyspirit #getbettersoon #rest #reflect #dayoff #reminder #Godisgood



  1. Thank you for sharing this uplifting and beautiful post, Christine.


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