For the love of Coffee!


What is a blogger without a cup of coffee next to them, right! Well, that’s how it goes for me anyway!


For me, a coffee isn’t just a pick me up – it’s a warm, aromatic experience that brings a sense of comfort when I sip. Yes, the first effect of coffee for me is warm comfort, like relaxing after a big breath out. The secondary effect of coffee is the subtle energy vibe, like a new breath as I gear up for more in my day!


My first memories of the smell of coffee were from my high school teacher who tried to mask her smoker’s aroma with coffee instead – that wasn’t a nice experience! But in contrast to that around the same time, was when my ‘Aunty’ started taking me out for coffee’s. I couldn’t stand the taste of coffee, but I loved the smell! I also loved that even though she had 3 other kids of her own, she set aside that time just for me. I didn’t open up to her much - I didn’t really know how, nor want to, at that stage - but this time with her meant a lot to me. I guess that’s where feeling comfort from coffee first started for me!


As an adult, myself and my taste buds have matured to take much delight in a strong but round and slightly fruity milky blend! But I still take some reflective and purposeful time when ever I can with a fresh cup. I really dislike drinking coffee in a hurry – it ruins the experience entirely for me (flash back to my uni days rushing out the door to make classes on time!). Weather it be during my quiet time each morning before the kids get up, at the kitchen table after work with my husband each day, or catching up with a friend at a chic café – I drink slowly, taking some time to contemplate life/love/faith… and enjoy every sip!

I wouldn’t call myself a connoisseur, but a lover of coffee - yes!

So I can’t tell you today some tips on how to source the best coffee - but I can share some tips with you on how to enjoy coffee the best!


1. Don’t overdo it!

Coffee can boost cortisol levels (stress hormone), make you dehydrated and effect your sleep if you consume too much. Also, it will cost you a bunch if you are always buying it!

I like to have 2 coffee’s a day, and make it some ‘me’ time that I can look forward to!


2. Biggest isn’t always the best!

Some may have fallen into the trap thinking that a ‘large’ coffee means that it is stronger, however it actually usually only means that more milk/water is added!

Also, the biggest and most accessible coffee shops aren’t always the best quality either!


3. Try them all!

Make sure to experiment with different coffee brands, methods and milks before settling with your regular! 

Do you know what a Piccolo is? Have you tried a Chemex coffee before? Single origin or blend?


4. At home, pick the right cup!

What cup you use can totally influence your experience! Most of my coffees are made from my French Press at home, and I like to use just one certain cup to drink my coffee from. It’s well known as “mum’s cup” around home; it’s nothing fancy, but it’s a comfortable shape that fits well to hold and has a nice ‘lip’ to sip from!


5. Pick the right surroundings too!

It’s the worst when you meet a friend for coffee and it’s so loud you can hardly hear the other person speak! Or at home when the kids are running around loudly around you! Or if you are trying to enjoy a coffee when it’s too cold!


6. Avoid instant coffee!

Instant coffee does not quite make the cut for the true coffee experience – please avoid if you can (sorry!)


I hope you can be inspired to consider your coffee experience and how to make it one that fuels and inspires you too! My coffee cup is empty now and my blog post complete – so I will leave it here until next time!


- Christine xx


  1. A Kalita pour over with “Koke”, a honey process from Ethiopia, is simply exquisite. I didn't realise there were so many stages to a good coffee. Thanks for the education.


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