The House Plant Trend

There is something about being around nature that has a calming effect don’t you think? Green hues, unique natural shapes, sizes and forms! Watching a sprout come up, a flower blooming or a leaf unravelling is like watching a 3D work of art take form!

The things that are man-made are often causes of stressers in our lives, but the things that are God-made are the opposite. Makes sense doesn’t it!

Ps 146:6 says: He is the maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them - he remains faithful forever.

The Bible says that God is the creator of everything on earth, and even in another verse it says his divine nature can be seen through His creation! Maybe we can go into the depth of that verse another time...

This blog is for me to share about myself, my faith and my gratitude for what God has given me! So on this sunny but crisp winter morning I would like to share my gratitude for nature with you! More specifically about the pots of nature scattered throughout most of the rooms in my house!

In all the home magazines and in the shops, it is clear to see that the latest trend to have decorative, statement or draping house plants, however I think maybe I was even ahead of the trend with that! I never grew up with plants inside but I remember moving into a flat one time and having a flat mate who had very ‘green fingers’ (natural ability to grow plants). It was a small place but there were so many plants! She was quite particular about them too, no one else was allowed to water them, and often I would find certain plants sitting in the shower throughout the day! I really liked it, the kitchen/living room felt relaxed, the air felt fresh, it felt almost like just how the plants were perfectly imperfect, that I could be too!

This was a whole new experience for me back then, but ever since, I have had my very own house plants! I admit, I am still rather amateur, but I have my mis-matched pots (that I have matched in that way if you know what I mean!), I have my plant watering schedule, and my little watering helpers too!
I’ll tell you a secret though – I hardly know any of the proper names of the plants I have! But I do know them by their story! E.g the parsley on the bench is the only thing I can grow from a seed, the dark green stalk of a plant on my husbands desk was a cutting from my friend, the succulent on the coffee table was once my mothers but she decided to give me, the plant by the TV is the one I bought especially when we moved into the new place etc…!

The beauty of nature that each plant is a hand-made creation of Gods, the nostalgia each plant of mine brings, and the joy of seeing a living form grow and take shape far outweighs what is the latest trend!
I have an orchid that needs propagating, it will be my first time trying this and I feel like orchids are quite sensitive so I want to get it right! Normally I am rather casual with propagating, but this time I needed to do some research. I want to make the most of this orchid as it was given to me as a birthday gift from a dear friend only last year!

If you wanted to know for yourself too, here are the steps you can take to propagate a phalaenopsis orchid!

1. All the flowers of my plant have long gone, and from the plants floral stick what is called a keikis has grown. This is essentially a new plant growing from the old plant! I will be doing a stem propagation with this. They say best to wait to do this until the leaves are 1-2 inches long at least.

I need to cut the keiki just below the node (the point where the keiki is attached to the stem)

2. Place the cutting in a jar of water, and after several weeks, some new roots should form

3. Once the new roots have appeared, can transplant the new orchid into a new pot with fresh potting mix. Best to put some rocks or bark at the bottom so the roots don’t sit in the water itself.

4. Oh, I just read that it could take 1-3 years to bloom… I must be patient with this little one! Best to keep these types of orchids in a bright space, but out of the direct light.
I hope this works for me and you too! Maybe in a year or two I can give you an update!

It’s good to be grateful for what God has given us, so I share this joyfully with you today.
- Christine xx

#plants #potplants #indoorplants #orchids #God #gratitude #faith #home #nature #growplants #postive #happy #family


  1. A beautiful post, Christine - thank you. The following resonated with me and really had me thinking: “The things that are man-made are often causes of stressers in our lives, but the things that are God-made are the opposite.”


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