The year that has been and the year that will be!

Happy 2023 everyone! 

Normally it takes me the whole month of January to process the previous year and think about the current one – so here I am on Jan 29th finally ready to journal and report!

It’s true that time flies the older you get! In 2022, my husband and I celebrated 11 years of marriage! We adopted 2 googly-eyed goldfish, and renovated the kitchen too! Yes, we all managed to get COVID (that wasn’t fun!), but a new and cute ‘car bubble’ family game came to be! 

My babies are now 3 years and 5 years old - settling into kindergarten and primary school well! Ah, they have so much energy in their bodies and purity in their eyes, it makes me think of how God must have originally made us to be!

As I think of the bigger picture however, the story of 2022 was actually one of much death, mourning, crying and pain. The war between Russia and Ukraine broke out, a new strain of Covid-19 emerged (Omicron), there were anti-vaccine rallies and protests, earthquakes, tidal waves and volcanic eruptions in the Islands. Queen Elizabeth II died amongst many other celebrities too. I will mention the rise in supermarket prices because I consider that a crime too!

In NZ the result of the pandemic overflowed into 2022 and left in many in financial hardship, an increase in depression, anxiety, and domestic violence within society. Also, what’s seen in schools is the mental, behavioural and educational hinderances on the children’s learning too. In regards to faith, I read an article from titled ‘Decline of Christianity Shows No Signs of Stopping’. I know this is not only the case in the U.S where the studies for this article were taken.

Will I have to keep my children in the ‘house bubble’ or ‘car bubble’ to try and protect them forever?! I am reminded about what it says in 1 John 5:19 “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.”

Amongst all of this, and on a much more positive note, I would like to share a summary of what my church did in 2022 to shine the light of God into a world that really, really needs it! 

The theme of 2022 for Shincheonji Church of Jesus worldwide was “The Year of the Secrets of Heaven, the Last Trumpet, and the Creation of the Multitude in White”. Working in accordance with this, Shincheonji:

☀️Continued to hold special lecture online seminars 
(main focus was the testimony and true meaning of the end times) 

☀️Signed 1000’s of MOU’s between Shincheonji and Christian Pastors 
(Churches who wish to receive support and materials from Shincheonji agreed to work together) 

☀️Established the ‘We are One’ youth group blood donation drive
(and broke a Guinness world record for the most blood donation pledges in 24hrs!) 

☀️Hosted the second 100,000 graduation from Shincheonji’ s theology school 

☀️Also hosted many Graduation Photo Exhibitions

☀️Was a part of a few paper and radio interviews

☀️Carried out ongoing volunteer work

…And much, much, more!!

Shincheonji is the Church of Jesus, where Jesus who overcame the world (John 16:33) and ‘the one who overcomes’ (in Rev 2-3) reside. We hold onto the hope and promises of the Bible, particularly from the four gospels and Revelation. On the path of true faith, the end destination is our hope: a world where God comes back and reigns, where there is no more death, mourning, crying or pain. It is promised that all things will be made new when the New Heaven and New Earth appear, and that at this place, God will reign with his people (Rev 21:1-5).

Shincheonji means New Heaven and New Earth in Korean. As Revelation is written in parable, the true biblical meaning of New Heaven and New Earth is the New Tabernacle and New People of God. (Please see my blog post titled ‘What is ‘Shincheonji’ according to the Bible?’ for the proper explanation). It is at this place that Jesus, his Promised Pastor and his harvested and sealed 12 tribes gather. 

There is hope for the world because Jesus is working through Shincheonji. 

The theme for 2023 within all the churches of Shincheonji is “Unite as one, achieve the goal”. This means that there will be many ways that we as the 12 tribes of God’s new tabernacle will continue to persevere in shining God, Jesus and Heavens light out into the world. It’s exciting to think of what is ahead, according to the prophecies, it will be big! 

Already so many Pastors, church leaders and believers are studying in the ZCMC, the graduation this year will be over 100,000 I am sure! I can almost hear the joy of Rev 19 now! 

Rev 19:1,6
1 After this I heard what sounded like the roar of a great multitude in heaven shouting:
“Hallelujah! Salvation and glory and power belong to our God….”
....6 Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns…..”

As I conclude today, I look forward to sharing with you more about ‘My wonderful Shincheonji life’ in 2023. This years is in God’s hands, and I trust and pray that he will lead me, my family, and a great multitude of others in his ways!

- Christine xx

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  1. I could relate to this in many ways. Thank you for everything, Christine


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