What does Shincheonji teach?


One of the things I loved when first learning from Shincheonji Church of Jesus was that everything taught was completely based on God’s Holy Bible… as well as backed up and cross-referenced by it too! I had attended many different Bible studies and many years of church services too, but it was when I studied the Bible through Shincheonji that that I was able to understand deeply about the life of faith I was meant to be living. Their teaching is deep, pure and insightful - more than just a motivational talk - it was the nitty-gritty mature teaching that I was looking for! Although I realised my scriptural misunderstandings and lack of knowledge, I couldn’t not believe in what I was taught because I could see and hear for myself the words of God that linked so perfectly together!


At the time I was learning I was living a “all-in” life of faith, but I knew there was still so much more for me to understand. I wasn’t necessarily looking to study the Bible seriously, but I am forever glad I became connected with someone from Shincheonji who encouraged me to take their course and learn. I learnt so much so quickly from their teachings and finally realised for myself how the bible was indeed living and active today!


Just like in Matt 7, I now feel like the wise man who built his house upon the rock! I feel stable and grounded in my faith, and whatever may come my way, I know I have God’s Word and Spirit to lean on and keep strong in.


The teachings from Shincheonji systematically unravels the Word of God in the clearest format!
For instance, I was able to understand:

πŸ‘‰ The meaning and purpose of the Old Testament and New Testament

πŸ‘‰ Who God is, what His character is, His consistent one purpose and plan throughout the bible. Also these things about Satan in contrast too

πŸ‘‰ In each era, I was able to understand the main characters, the work of God and Satan, and the coinciding events

πŸ‘‰ How good and evil came to be in the spiritual and physical realms, and how the spiritual realm is connected to, and influences, the physical realm too

πŸ‘‰ How God made an Old Testament Covenant with the Israelites, and through Jesus has made a New Testament Covenant with the Christians today that we must know, believe and keep

πŸ‘‰ The prophecies and how they fulfilled in the Old Testament through Jesus first coming, and the prophecies and how they fulfil in the New Testament through Jesus 2nd coming

πŸ‘‰The spiritual meanings of the parables that Jesus spoke

πŸ‘‰The plain meaning of the 22 chapters of the book of Revelation and the true hope of Heaven on earth for those who believe

….and so much more!


Shincheonji believes in the God the Father, Jesus the son, and the words and work of the Holy Spirit. 
We also believe that one can know God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit (and the opposing evil spirit, Satan) through the scriptures. E.g

πŸ“– John 1:1 Word = where God is found (can be understood)

πŸ“– 1 John 1:1-2 Word = Jesus (who was the word made flesh)

πŸ“– John 6:63 (2 Tim 3:16-17) Word = the true voice of the Holy Spirit of God

πŸ“– 2 Thess 2:9 (Is 14:12-15) The work of Satan


One who seeks for the knowledge of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit through the Holy Bible is one who is able to find the true understanding (Prov 8:17, Matt 7:7-8)


Jer 33:3
'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’

When studying the Bible deeply, one is able to understand that the purpose of a life of faith is to achieve salvation, heaven and eternal life. Jesus taught in John 3 that one must be born again of water (Word, Deut 32:2) and the Spirit (Word = Spirit, John 6:63) to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, the teachings and faith practices from Shincheonji are ultimately all about aligning one's faith and actions up with the Word of God, and ridding oneself of misunderstandings/lies, own interpretations and worldly standards, all in order to become a true child of God who can inherit the Kingdom of Heaven! (See Eph 4:17-32 "Instructions for Christian Living").

A quote from the Chairman of Shincheonji, Man Hee Lee:
"We, Shincheonji, are those who have been created according to the promises in the New Covenant Revelation just as if having been stamped. In other words, we are God's sons who have been sealed and created as the 12 tribes of the promised kingdom like in Rv 7 and 14 by those born of God's seed being harvested from the four winds - north, south, east and west - according to the New Covenant Revelation.
God planned for this word, prophesied it since the Old Testament, and has been fulfilling it. We are those who have received the Word of life (the revealed word in Rv 10) like Jesus, are the branches, leaves, and fruit of Jesus, who is the true vine (Jn 15), and are the tree of life that bears twelve crops of fruit every month (Rv 22:1-2). Both our appointed tasks and faith are everlasting, and we are the unchanging citizens of heaven."

Learning the Word of God from Shincheonji has helped me to have passionate faith and actions according to the Word, and a true hope and purpose for my life too! I would recommend to everyone to learn (for free) from Shincheonji too!

- Christine xx


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  1. The first line speaks volumes:-
    ''One of the things I loved when first learning from Shincheonji Church of Jesus was that everything taught was completely based on God’s Holy Bible… as well as backed up and cross-referenced by it too''

    I'm very grateful to be at a place that teaches the Word so clearly. Thank you for this informative post, Christine


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