NZ Food Showcase: The Lamington


Today’s feature NZ food item:

🔹 Chocolate and Raspberry Lamingtons 🔹

These food blog posts are all about showcasing the food that contributes to the everyday Kiwi cuisine! 
I share the food that we are familiar with, the brands that I recommend, and the ways to enjoy each food so that you can know all about the authentic Kiwi food experience too!

I wanted to start off the NZ food showcase with a bit of a fancy treat!

Although there is a long-standing debate between New Zealand and Australia about where the sponge cake goodness originated from first, research proves that it was indeed invented in New Zealand – and we are happy to claim it!

Sure to please most audiences, the Lamington is a light, delicate and effortlessly classy desert that must be accompanied by plenty of freshly whipped cream!



Light and fluffy sponge cake squares with thin flavored sauce (chocolate or raspberry) on all surfaces, topped with desiccated coconut.

You want to eat Lamingtons within a couple of days of making/purchasing so the sponge doesn’t go stale.


🌻Where can it be purchased:

Your local supermarket (I like Countdown!)


🌻Cost (at time of purchase):



🌻How it has become a food item familiar to the NZ lifestyle:

Often seen within a high tea treat experience, at a shared desert night, and at a Christmas feast!


🌻Different ways to eat:

A Lamington on its own is a bit plain, so it is often seen split in half with some cream down the middle, or with a bowl of whipped cream beside it.

If you want to add some jam as well that is a flavorsome addition!


- Christine xx





#Kiwi #NZ #NZfood #Countdown #NZlife #Eating #Food #NZCulture #chocolate #raspberry #spongecake #desert #Australia #desert #cake #cream #coconut 



  1. This is a beautiful read and gave me some ideas. Thank you, Christine.


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