About Me


Kia ora, I'm Christine and thank you for taking some time to read my blog!

First of all, let me share a bit about myself: 

-By nationality I am kiwi (New Zealander) born and bred 

-By personality I am one that strives to be sincere, kind and one with integrity

-By profession I am a Primary School Teacher

-By family I am a wife to a kind-hearted man and mother to our two energetic young children

-By faith I am a member of New Heaven New Earth (Shincheonji) Church of Jesus

I never thought to write a blog before but as I am settling into my 40's now, I find myself reflecting more about life, the condition of the world, and the purpose/duty that I have here. As it says in Ecclesiates 3: "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens " - so here we go!

My life hasn't always been easy (quite the opposite at times!), and it's not necessarily always smooth sailing now either, but I met God for who he truly is through coming to Shincheonji Church of Jesus; from there I have experienced a broken heart being patched up, a traumatic past that I have been set free from, a hopeless perspective flipped all the way around, and the loving family I always longed for, I have found.

In this blog I will endeavor to share with you my grateful heart for the new life I live as a re-born child of God, and the true insiders perspective of my wonderful life in Shincheonji.

I hope you can be open, inspired and blessed.


Christine xx

#NewHeavenNewEarth #Shincheonji #SCJ Bible #Faith #healing #God #Jesus #light #purpose #blessed


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