What is the Zion Christian Mission Centre?

The Zion Christian Mission Centre (ZCMC) is a free theology institute run by Shincheonji Church of Jesus. The ZCMC which was established in 1990 and is based in over 200 countries throughout the world, has the aim to share the Word of God in the form of a comprehensive study of the Christian Bible. The courses are free of charge, as God states in Rev 22:17 and Rev 21:6 that the water of life should be given for free.


As well as this course being available for the general public, there has been an influx in the recent years of theology students and Pastors coming to learn from the ZCMC with the heart of wanting to become more equipped and upskilled with the truth to better carry out their ministries.


The ZCMC teaches the Bible as it is. That means, without adding worldly interpretations and without taking away from the true standard of faith God and Jesus write about for the believers to achieve today.


2 Tim 3:16-17
All Scriptures is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, 
correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God 
may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.


🔹 Zion Christian Mission Centre Course Overview:

Each of our courses are facilitated by a theology Instructor and a team of supporting educators, who have extensive understanding and knowledge of the Bible. They are committed to connecting with and supporting/mentoring each student by equipping them with the Word of God so that they can lead a fruitful and rewarding life of faith.

In New Zealand, the ZCMC courses are running online and span a period of approximately 10 months, with 3 sessions per week (~1.5 hours in length).


🔹 Curriculum:

6,000 years of God’s history from Genesis to Revelation is covered within the ZCMC course with a focus on the events of prophecy and fulfilment recorded in the Old and New Testaments. The teachings are cross-referenced, relevant and applicable to all today.


The contents of the course will be taught in three parts.

1. Introduction: 
Testimony of the parables of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven that Jesus spoke, and their true meanings

2. Intermediate: 
Overview of the whole Bible including the Pentateuch, the prophets and the four gospels

3. Advanced: 
A detailed look at each chapter of Revelation and the meaning of the figurative language within, using the tools learned in foundation and intermediate stages

Please see my previous post title ‘What does Shincheonji teach?’ 
to understand specific learning outcomes and my own testimony of learning too!


🔹 Graduation

After completing the three-part course, students will graduate and receive a certificate.

In 2019, over 100,000 students graduated from the ZCMC, making this the greatest number of graduates from a theology institute in the entire world. Throughout the COVID-19 period, approximately 20,000 students graduated online in the 2 consecutive years. In 2022 there will be another 100,000 students graduation also.


The unprecedented numbers of graduates since 2019 show that the teachings from the ZCMC are truly God-breathed and are bringing much spiritual life, energy, passion and joy to all those who complete the course!




 My own experience learning from the ZCMC was very joyful! I was impressed by how scriptures were so easily flowing from the educator’s mouths, how all my questions were able to be answered with scriptures too. I felt included, supported and not judged in my 10-month experience.  Regarding the lessons themselves, I was impressed how all the teachings were backed up and cross-referenced with the scriptures, I learnt a lot about having reverence towards God and learning to see the Bible from His perspective as the writer.  I thought the lessons, and the team too, were very organized and professional.


Faith is not a joke. According to its result, [people] are divided between heaven and hell, 
eternal life and eternal punishment, and the tree of life and the tree of good and evil. 
If one does not know the meaning of this Revelation and its actual entities, then he must 
go to someone who does know and learn and believe.
- Man Hee Lee


I hope all who read this will find their nearest ZCMC branch and register for the next course to become one in the truth too!


- Christine


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  1. Thank you for sharing your heart through this post. I pray that the revealed word of the Bible will remain firmly embedded into the heart of every believer.


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