What are the Core Beliefs of Shincheonji?


The following are three core beliefs that Shincheonji upholds as God’s holy and faithful children in practicing the teachings of the Bible:


🔸Shincheonji is proud to be the reality of the promised City of Truth in Rev 22

Truth refers to the word of the Holy God (John 17:17). All members of Shincheonji inscribe the word onto their hearts and put them into action every day with the hopes of entering heaven and eternal life


🔸Shincheonji upholds God’s righteousness and Justice

Righteousness refers to a fair way, and justice refers to the right way (Mal 2:8). Together, they refer to the “good and right teaching”. Shincheonji members’ actions follow the Bible that is fair and righteous (John 12:48, Rev 20:12)


🔸Shincheonji preaches the Word like virtuous Kings

In the Bible, virtuous (holy, wise) kings refer to pastors. The members of Shincheonji are preaching the word of truth to ensure that many people can be turned from the way of wickedness to the way of salvation (1 Tim 2:4, Rev 22:1-2)


 - Christine xx



#LeeManHee #Shincheonji #NZBlog #Truth #Bible #Faith #God #Jesus #Holyspirit #Belief #God #Jesus #Pray #QT #Christian #Church #Revelation


  1. Another clear and logical read. Thank you for the education, Christine.


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