
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Spiritual Battle Within Us

The topic of the spiritual battle within us (also known as spiritual warfare), is something that all go through but not many understand. As a wife, mother, school teacher, and church home group leader, friend, I see it so clearly in all of us. If you have read my testimony blog, you would see I have experienced many years of being overcome in this spiritual war, and it’s not fun.   I know that physical and spiritual suffering is not what God intended for us (Lam 3:33). I spent many years fighting what seemed like a losing battle because I didn’t understand what spiritual warfare was, how it worked; I knew that God was greater and stronger, but I didn’t know how to activate the power and authority of God over my life to be able to fight and overcome. Thankfully, through the Word I was able to learn and become equipped finally!   This is a deep and complex topic, and many will have their own thoughts and opinions. However as a member of Shincheonji, we always strive to have our k

Tuning into the still small voice of God

Don’t we live in a world that is all ‘noise’! I’m one of those people who turn the TV/radio right down when the adds come on! Think about it: there is product advertising on all media, gossip/schemes spreading behind all the scenes, loud opinions from everywhere, someone is always trying to outdo the other. Amongst all the noise, it’s hard to actually listen! This is no different when it comes to faith topics too, right?   It’s so easy for us to look online, read a commentary, or make our decisions about faith based on who we like/are familiar with, what the popular opinion is, what suits us the most, or whatever makes us feel the best.  Amongst the ‘noise’ of Christianity too, how do we really hear God’s voice?  I really like this verse in 1 Kings 19 where God is speaking to Elijah:   1 Kings 19:11-12 Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the LORD.” And behold, the LORD passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces befor