
Showing posts from July, 2022

My Story

Once it was such a big deal for me to be even a little bit vulnerable with others. I was so closed up because I had so much hurt and rejection in my heart. But look at me now, about to share my testimony with anyone who stumbles across this blog and wants to read it! Truly this verse has fulfilled to me….   Ez 36:26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.   May it be all glory to God for you to see the good work that he has done in my heart up until today. ___________________________ I was born and raised in a small city in the North Island of NZ; it was my parents, sister and I. We lived in a modest home, went to a good school, and had all we needed. We were a normal happy ‘kiwi’ family. That was until one late afternoon on our way home from the supermarket our family car was hit by a drunk driver and my sister in the backseat was killed.   I was 9 on the night when I lost my

About Me

  Kia ora, I'm Christine and thank you for taking some time to read my blog! First of all, let me share a bit about myself:  -By nationality I am kiwi (New Zealander) born and bred  -By personality I am one that strives to be sincere, kind and one with integrity -By profession I am a Primary School Teacher -By family I am a wife to a kind-hearted man and mother to our two energetic young children -By faith I am a member of New Heaven New Earth (Shincheonji) Church of Jesus I never thought to write a blog before but as I am settling into my 40's now, I find myself reflecting more about life, the condition of the world, and the purpose/duty that I have here. As it says in Ecclesiates 3: "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens " - so here we go! My life hasn't always been easy (quite the opposite at times!), and it's not necessarily always smooth sailing now either, but I met God for who he truly is through coming to Shi